Buggy - Samb 2001
In La Roche Sur Yon, the first man-machine match in draughts took place between world number 11 N'Diaga Samb and the program Buggy from Nicolas Guibert. Samb managed to secure a narrow victory in two sets, 4-2 and 3-3 (8-6).
- Samb-Buggy 2-0 first set, game 1
- Buggy-Samb 1-1 first set, game 2
- Samb-Buggy 1-1 first set, game 3
- Buggy-Samb 1-1 second set, game 1
- Samb-Buggy 1-1 second set, game 2
- Buggy-Samb 1-1 second set, game 3
- Samb-Buggy 2-0 second set, tie break game 7