Round 8 World Cup Ufa
After 31.38-32? Valneris forced a win using 18-22! 32.24-19(?) Here ≡ 32.32-28? was not possible due to 21-27 33.28x17 12x21 34.31x22 13-19 35.24x13 8x17 B+ and after ≡ 32.33-28? 22x33 33.39x28 21-27! 34.32x21 16x27 35.31x22 13-19 36.24x13 9x27 the threat 27-31! 36x27 12-18 23x3 2-7 3x20 15x42 is decisive. ≡ 13x24 33.29x20 15x24 34.33-29 24x33 35.39x17 9-13 36.43-38 13-18 37.32-28 18x29 38.37-32 26x37 39.17x26 29-33! 40.28x39 37x28 and black won.
Heusdens made a subtle mistake in this position: 4-9? 48.38-32 29-33 49.28-23 33x44 50.43-39 44x33 51.23-19 and black could not win anymore. The correct move was ≡ 4-10! Then 48.38-32 29-33 49.28-23 33x44 50.43-39 44x33 51.23-19 is not possible due to 13-18 52.22x13 33-39 B+. And ≡ 48.38-32 29-33 49.28-23 33x44 50.23-18 13-19 leaves black very good opportunities to win the game.
World champion Georgiev has set the board on fire. But in this complicated position he did not find the right plan for black 3-9(?) Note that ≡ 30-35? was not possible due to 34.33-29 35x42 35.29x29 W+. ≡ 34.40-35 15-20? 35.47-41! 23-28 36.33x22 17x28 37.26x17 11x22 38.27x18 13x22 39.32x23 19x28 40.31-26! Kolesov has now a winning advantage due to the weak black left wing. 9-13 41.41-36 13-19 42.38-33 6-11 43.37-31 22-27 44.31x22 28x17 45.43-38 17-22 46.36-31 19-23 47.38-32 14-19 48.25x14 19x10 49.34x25 10-14 50.39-34? Until now Kolesov had done everything right. But the last move was a mistake. With either ≡ 50.31-27 22x31 51.26x37 or ≡ 50.32-28! 23x32 51.31-27 22x31 52.26x28 he could have won the game. ≡ 11-17! 51.32-28 23x32 52.34-29 22-28 53.33x11 24x33 54.11-7 32-38 55.7-1 38-42 56.1-45 42-47 =
Apparently both Gantwarg and Skliarow missed the simple combination for white after 14-19? 18.36-31! 19x30 19.29-24 30x19 20.31-27 22x31 21.28-22 17x28 22.32x5 W+. The game ended in a victory for black after ≡ 18.40-35 19x30 19.35x24.
© Wieger Wesselink