World champion Schwarzman has achieved a big advantage in this classical position. 38.40-34? Silva needed to defend with ≡ 38.27-22! 12-18 39.39-34 18x27 40.34-30 25x34 41.40x20 ≡ 9-14! 39.38-33 13-18 40.28-22 or? 12-17! 41.22x2 26-31 and white resigned because of 42.37x26 23-29 43.34x23 19x48 44.2x30 25x43.
Gantvarg played carelessly 39.40-34?? 13-18! 40.34-29 but now Buzinskij failed to punish him with 24-30 41.35x24 14-19 42.24x22 17x39 and played ≡ 25-30 instead.
© Wieger Wesselink