In this seemingly innocent position Chizhov got into trouble after 19-24 48.29x20 15x24 49.32-28! 22-27(?) 50.37-32! 24-29 51.33x35 27-31 52.38-33! Most likely Chizhov has missed the threat 35-30 25x34 33-29 34x23 28x17 in his earlier calculations. So he must invest another piece, leading to a difficult endgame. ≡ 25-30 53.35x24 31-36 54.24-20 36-41 55.20-15 41-47 56.33-29 47x24 57.15-10 24-35 58.10-4 13-19 59.4-15 19-23 60.28x19 35x2 61.15-33 2-35 62.33-11 35-2 63.11-44 2-35 64.44-33 35-2 65.45-40 2-35 66.50-44 35-30 67.33-11 30-2 68.11-6 2-19 69.32-27 19-23? Until this moment it was still a draw, but now Georgiev claimed the victory because of 27-22 23x45 22-17 12x21 6-1.
In the 4th round it became clear that title defender Schwarzman was not in good shape 44-49?? 51.33-28 49x46 52.42-37 46x32 53.28x37
© Wieger Wesselink