SWMG 2011 semi finals

Guntis Valneris - Alexander Getmansky 1-1

Valneris surprised his opponent with a combination after 1-7? 42.33-29! 23x45 43.25-20 14x34 44.27-22 17x28 45.32x3 12-17 46.3x21 34-39 The black position is lost now, but Getmansky found a miraculous escape. 47.21-49 7-12 48.37-31 24-29 49.35-30 29-33! 50.48-42? 33-38!! 51.49x24 39-44 52.50x39 45-50! and a disappointed Valneris had to agree with a draw.

Guntis Valneris - Alexander Getmansky 2-0

Nevertheless Valneris managed to qualify himself for the final in the barrage, when Getmansky played the risky move 24-29!? 23.33x24 20x29 24.27-22! 18x27 25.31x22 17-21 26.42-37 12-18(?) Here 21-26? would not have helped, since after 27.43-39! black loses a piece either using 12-18? 28.39-33 18x27 29.33x24 19x30 30.28x10 15x4 31.35x24, or using 15-20 28.39-33 20-24 29.22-18! 13x22 30.28x17 11x22 31.35-30 24x35 32.33x11 16x7. 27.44-39! 18x27 28.39-33! 15-20 29.33x15 21-26 30.32x21 23x41 31.47-42 16x27 32.36x47 The number of pieces is still equal, but it is clear that the black position is hopeless due to the weakened black left wing. 11-16 33.40-34 7-12 34.34-29 12-18 35.29-24 19x30 36.35x24 6-11 37.45-40 11-17 38.40-34 17-22 39.25-20 14x25 40.15-10 8-12 and black resigned.

Dul Erdenebileg - Ainur Shaibakov 0-2

After 32.45-40? Shaibakov forced a win using 26-31! 33.27-21 16x27 34.32x21 13-19 35.36x27 19-23 36.28x30 18-22 37.27x18 12x45 and black won.

Alexander Georgiev - Roel Boomstra 2-0

The biggest sensation of the day was the win by Georgiev against coming man Boomstra. In the position of the diagram Georgiev has the advantage, due to the incoherent structure of the black pieces. 6-11! 43.44-40 White could win a piece using 43.21-16 11-17 44.37-32 18-22 45.49-43 15-20 46.43-39, but the players calculated correctly that it leads to a draw after 23-28 47.32x23 22-27. 35x44 44.49x40 3-8 45.37-32 8-12 46.21-16 11-17 47.33-29! 17-21 Boomstra needs to sacrifice a piece, but it is only temporary. 48.16x27 12-17 49.40-35 15-20 50.35-30 20-25 51.30-24 17-22 52.24-19 23x14 53.27-21 14-19(?) Here 22-27 54.32-28 27x16 55.28-23 16-21 56.23x12 21-27 57.12-7 27-32 58.7-1 14-19 59.1-6 19-24 60.29x20 25x14 61.6-33 would have been a safer way to make a draw. Now Georgiev manages to bring a difficult 5 against 3 endgame on the board. It is still a draw, but given the little amount of time that the players have left it gives good practical chances for the white player. 54.21-16 19-23 55.29-24 22-28 56.32-27 28-33 57.16-11 33-38 58.11-7 38-43 59.7-2! Prevents black from making a king. 23-28 60.24-19 18-22 61.27x18 43-49 62.19-14 28-32 63.2-19 32-38 64.19-37 49-44 65.14-10 38-43 66.37-32 44-49 67.32-16 25-30 68.34x25 43-48 69.10-4 49-40 70.18-13 40-34 71.16-2 34-23 72.13-8 23-46 73.8-3 48-37 74.2-16 37-5 75.3-26 46-28 76.25-20 28-33 77.4-15 33-28 78.26-48 28-23 79.16-11 23-32 80.11-33 32-46 81.15-4 46-32 82.4-13 32-46 83.13-27 46-23 84.27-16 23-46 85.33-22 46-23 86.48-30 23-46 87.16-2 46-32 88.22-4 32-46 89.4-27 46-37 90.30-48 37-46 91.27-16 46-28 92.2-35 28-10 93.20-15 10-28 94.35-40 28-46 95.40-45 46-19 96.45-1 19-46 97.16-11 46-19? Boomstra becomes the victim of a trap that Georgiev set up for him. The only possible move was 46-14. 98.15-10! 5x14 99.48-31! 36x27 100.47-41 and Boomstra did not await 19x46 101.11-22 27x18 102.1x5 W+